Empowering small-scale farmers in Africa to achieve food security.
At the heart of Tillers International lies a profound commitment to empowering small-scale farmers in Africa and enriching their communities, fostering resilience and sustainability across the globe. Our mission extends beyond the dissemination of knowledge, it’s about creating meaningful partnerships that uplift farmers in Africa and other parts of the world, aiming to transform livelihoods and agricultural practices from the ground up.
Through hands-on training, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, we’re dedicated to not only enhancing agricultural productivity but also to addressing broader social challenges. Our initiatives are designed to contribute to economic stability, promote gender equity, improve the welfare of draft animals, and invigorate the preservation and development of historic agricultural skills among the youth.

Collaboration, Engagement, and Development
Our work is underpinned by a spirit of collaboration, engaging closely with local partners in developing regions to tailor solutions that resonate with the unique needs and potentials of each community. Together, we strive to forge sustainable farming and cropping systems, leveraging locally available resources to ensure food security and elevate the well-being of small-scale farmers and their communities. Join us in this journey towards building a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient agricultural future.
In particular, we specialize in the optimization of draft animal power and equipment in order to empower smallholder farmers, especially women. We work to help small farmers in Africa harness the power of draft animals, which can lead to a dramatic reduction in the drudgery of hand labor.

Farming Clinics
We provide communities with hyper-local training that incorporates their specific needs, resources, and conditions. Our clinics aim to equip farmers with strategies to maximize short- and long-term outcomes.

Tool Building & Repair
Teaching small-scale farmers in Africa the skills necessary to build and maintain their tools gives them the ability to adapt and repair their plows, planters, seeders, and other important farming implements.

Hands-On Training
In-the-field training allows farmers to put everything into practice. From learning to better care for and work with draft animals to improving low-till farming techniques, this training brings everything together.
Improving farmers’ ability to produce and live sustainably.
Supported by a team of experienced staff, both at our US-based headquarters and in-project countries, Tillers International has developed strong technical, management, administrative and financial systems.
Draft Animal Training
As the foundation of our draft animal classes, this low-stress course focuses on building a partnership between the handler and their draft animal.
Yoke and Harness Making
A class focused on producing yokes and harnesses designed to fit appropriately, reduce friction points and improve the animals’ well-being while working
Animal Welfare
Properly fed animals that are cared for can work for more extended periods. Because of this, nutrition and general animal care are two essential topics.
Pasturing and Fodder
It’s crucial to know what to feed draft animals and how to store food for dry seasons. Also, short-term animal enclosures improve manure efficiency and soil health.
Conservation Agriculture
Soil health, minimal tillage, and other conservation practices will improve soil health and water holding capacity, resulting in more consistent crops.
Blacksmithing Basics
The requisite skills to produce necessary hardware are vital to successful farmers. This training focuses on using readily available materials found in everyday life.